Monday, September 27, 2010

First, Kingdom and righteousness, and then...

Have you ever been blindsided by something so big and blunt and obvious that you don't know how you didn't see it before? And the fact that you're so relieved you now see it completely outweighs the fact that it was so big and blunt and obvious in the first place?

After being buried in Matthew 6 for a week, God has completely changed the way I see my relationship with Him. Sometimes we wander and we wonder for so long that we forget what that relationship feels like and we forget what on earth it is that we're doing. And then suddenly, that void is there again, but you don't notice it getting bigger and bigger because you fill up every minute with stuff. One thing I've learned in the past week is that God has a unique way of blindsiding each of us to bring us back. It can be anything from a relationship here on earth to an obsession to nothing at all.

I'll speak from the point of view of the obsession, because that was my bait. After thinking and plotting and worrying for days on end, God finally stepped on my brain and said to me, "STOP!" That's when the question to end all questions occurred to me - how different would my life be if only I obsessed about my relationship with Yahweh like I obsessed about my obsession? The conviction was evident and the answer was obvious.

THE POINT: It goes straight back to the spiritual warfare. Satan is constantly trying to grapple and paw at us until all we see is what he wants us to see. God puts these incredible and fascinating things in our lives, but then we have a tendency to become enraptured by them. Satan sees that inflamed desire and tries to take advantage of it by feeding it to us until it pushes Jesus Christ out of our lives. That's where Matthew 6:33 comes in. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well."

Whatever the reason, once you start to seek his kingdom and his righteousness first, the rest of your life will fall into place like pieces of a puzzle. You begin to either develop or renew a relationship with the Creator. Even if you feel yourself beginning to drift, ask yourself that same question I had to face: how different would my life be if only I obsessed about my relationship with Yahweh like I obsessed about my obsession?

When it comes to Christ, obsession is a two-way street, so get moving.

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